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Plugin Options

spec (required, string: file path or remote absolute url)

Either a file path to an OpenAPI YAML/JSON file, or a url to one hosted on some website (not the same docusaurus website). Will be parsed at build time and forwarded to Redoc component. We will also automatically generate a single downloadable YAML and add it as a static asset to be used as the download url.

route (optional, string: relative uri)

Route URL at which docs would be available, this will use the theme component @theme/ApiDoc from docusaurus-theme-redoc to render the page. You can also skip this option and render the docs as you wish using a custom page.

layout (optional, object: layoutProps)

An object to pass as layout props. Useful to set title/description of the page. See all properties available here.

config (optional)


Deprecated: Use redocly.yaml to specify theme. See example.

Same as config option in root options but specific for loading data.